जेम बिड सूचना (Obstetrical (OB) Manikin for Child Birth Training)
जेम बिड सूचना (Manikin for teaching Management of PPH)
जेम बिड सूचना (Complete Central Line Training Solution)
जेम बिड सूचना (Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) Simulators)
जेम बिड सूचना (Manikin for Skin & Fascia Suturing Training)
जेम बिड सूचना (Essential Newborn Care and Resuscitation Manikin)
जेम बिड सूचना (Breast Examination Model)
जेम बिड सूचना (Arthroscopy System (V2) (Q2)
जेम बिड सूचना (Writing Pad Chair )
जेम बिड सूचना (Manikin for First Aid Bandaging, Splinting & Bandage)
Dr. Rajesh Kumar Baranwal
MD - Anaesthesiology MD - Forensic Medicine/Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Dr. H.K. Mishra
Pediatrician, DCH